MRIGlobal Facilities

Top-Notch Facilities for Your Next Project

Who We Are

MRIGlobal is mission-ready for project work.

Our facilities maintain current registration, permits, and unique access to work with chemical agents, controlled substances, and biological agents, including infectious disease agents from the Department of Health and Human Services, United States Department of Agriculture, universities, hospitals, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

We have an extensive culture collection of well-characterized pathogens, and access to additional strains and clinical samples of interest through an existing network of laboratories worldwide.

Featured Facility

New Diagnostics Center of Excellence



Why MRIGlobal?

Customized Solutions

From protecting warfighters to treating companion animals, MRIGlobal’s R&D capabilities provide a high caliber of efficacy. In addition, our team of experts is highly skilled in creative diagnostics and engineering to tackle an array of projects.

High-Quality Outcomes

MRIGlobal’s facilities allow endless possibilities for the testing and evaluation of samples (human, animal, and other), emerging technologies, and clinical and pharmaceutical products.

A Trusted Partner

Our team of laboratory technicians is highly specialized and ready to take on any project. We have decades of experience in managing labs for clients, including federal institutions.

Work With Us

MRIGlobal is a world leader in technology and science.

If your project or product could benefit from the use of one of our state-of-the-art research facilities, reach out to MRIGlobal today.

Project Quote Tool

See Our Certifications