Agricultural Animal Infectious Disease

The US agricultural infrastructure is highly vulnerable to penetration by Foreign Animal Diseases (FADs) and Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs).

The tremendous economic impact of a disease outbreak is harmful to the US economy, food security, and agriculture industries. There are many potential routes of introduction of FADs and TADs into the U.S. food chain. Rapid and sensitive detection is vital to protect the U.S. agriculture industry and to support industry preparedness and disease response for improved animal health management and monitoring programs.


MRIGlobal offers comprehensive assay and protocol development for the diagnosis of animal disease:

Molecular & Immunological

Next Generation Sequencing

Advanced Bioinformatics

Our Staff

Karly Velez prepares samples for analysis of animal disease pathogens.

MRIGlobal scientists work with commercial companies to improve animal disease diagnostic technologies with the goal of advancing these technologies through all phases of the product development process.

Work With Us

MRIGlobal looks forward to contributing our expertise where it matters most.

Whether you are in healthcare or warfare, MRIGlobal can help you understand the threat against your team and translate it to a variety of real-world applications.

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