Evolution of Pandemics  and Future of Global Health

MRIGlobal Experts Are Supporting BIG IDEAS @ScienceStowers.

BIG IDEAS explores how science informs and inspires our community. MRIGlobal is providing additional content to enhance Keynote Hopi Hoekstra’s Nature’s Palette: The Biological Significance of Color. Aligning with her focus on evolution, MRIGlobal scientists share their expertise in our series entitled The Evolution of Pandemics and Future Global Health.


Is COVID-19 a Warning System?

With more outbreaks, pandemics and genetic spillover in the last few decades, learn about BOTH the history AND FUture of emerging pathogenS.
Speaker: Gene Olinger, PH.D.


What new testing technologies are on the horizon?

LearN about new technologies in testing that will enable us to not just respond to outbreaks, but to prepare for the future.
Speaker: Richard Winegar

Projecting Science to the Front Line

new capabilities with mobile laboratories, as well as education and training for US and other countries
Speakers: Joe Russell, PH.D. and Chris Hollars, Ph.D.

Emerging Therapeutics and Vaccines.

new developments in therapeutics and vaccines for COVID-19
Speakers: Carl Gelhaus, Ph.D., and Luca Popescu, Ph.D., DVM