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JPEO-CBRND Presents ISR Team with Awards for OASIS software system


Members of MRIGlobal’s Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance’s (ISR) software integration team received certificates of appreciation from Lt. Col. Jeffrey Strauss of the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND).  LTC Strauss, the Joint Project Manager for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Contamination Avoidance (JPM NBC CA), recognized MRIGlobal’s “excellent team” for their  support on the Nuclear Biological Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle (NBCRV) sensor suite upgrade program.

As the lead software integrator, the MRIGlobal team of engineers developed a custom command and control (C2) system that interfaces with six CBRN sensors located on the NBCRV and associated unmanned ground vehicle.  MRIGlobal’s open architecture software system, OASIS, allows for the incorporation of CBRN sensors on the NBCRV as needs and technologies advance.  OASIS conveniently displays sensor data in an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI).  The OASIS GUI:

  • Provides a centralized location to observe the operational status, and access individual displays, of all the chemical, biological, and radiological sensors mounted on the NBCRV.
  • Displays the system’s health as well as the alarm status for the integrated sensors.
  • Creates and stores alarm logs for each positive identification.
  • Identifies the geographical location(s) of positive identifications using markers displayed within the map window.
  • Leverages an intuitive graphical user interface to allow standoff and remote point sensors to work together in tipping and cueing applications.
  • Provides triangulation of threats using standoff sensors using either multiple vehicles or self-triangulation from a vehicle on the move.
  • Allows the user to specify a geographic Named-Area-of-Interest (NAI) and communicates directions to the integrated standoff sensors to continuously scan the NAI even during on-the-move operations.
  • Directs the deployment of UAVs with onboard point sensors to user-defined locations.

The MRIGlobal team was required to deliver the integrated software in less than four months and continued to support numerous field demonstrations of the NBCRV systems at the Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Chemical Biological Center at Aberdeen Proving Ground. In addition, MRIGlobal supported a team of operators who showcased the NBCRV’s capabilities at the Joint Warfighter Assessment 2019 in Washington State in May.

Going forward, MRIGlobal is teaming with FLIR Systems, Inc. to continue to lead the software integration of the next phase of the program.

The MRIGlobal NBCRV SSU program team included Michael Conn, Eric Gerken, Kris Schumacher, Ian Chapin, Jason Downing, Lori Robinson, Mary Pierce (PM), and David George. Not Pictured: Aaron Twombly (PI) and Mark Reynolds.

For more information of the NBCRV Sensor Suite Upgrade and the field demonstrations supported by MRIGlobal see the following link:


“This team has moved MRIGlobal into a leadership position for software development and sensor integration,” said ISR Director Dean Gray, Ph.D. “It’s a critical current and future mission for countering weapons of mass destruction. The customer’s recognition of their efforts is appreciated, and we’re proud of their accomplishments.”