MRIGlobal experts are in New Delhi participating in the launch of India’s new One Health Initiative. The event is an intersectoral approach to tackling the most urgent health threats in India and across the South Asian region.
The conference will unite thought leaders from India and around the world, providing a platform for researchers, medical and veterinary practitioners, public and private sector stakeholders, and policymakers to integrate knowledge and identify needs and opportunities to better coordinate activities and address major human, animal, and environmental health challenges.
Of interest to the international community is MRIGlobal’s Mercury Lab. Mercury Lab is the first truly mobile, single-person portable laboratory for molecular biosurveillance. Our purpose-driven platform has all the equipment you need for a deployable, human-centered laboratory workbench. It is designed to reduce the time and risk in field-forward advanced molecular diagnostics, biosurveillance, and forensic testing. It integrates hand-held molecular biology hardware with a power supply, cold-chain storage, computational capacity, a stable workbench, biohazard waste disposal strategies, and other features at the point of need. Mercury Lab lets you process samples on-site, alleviating bottlenecks and dramatically reducing the time to acquire an actionable result.
Participating from MRIGlobal are Gene Olinger, Jr., Ph.D., and Kenneth Yeh. Both were invited to present technical posters. View Mercury Lab’s Poster Here.