Finding the Right Portable Drug Detection Equipment
As part of its CBRNE Tech Index work, MRIGlobal created a baseline market survey of portable detection equipment capable of identifying fentanyl, other opiates, and related compounds. This information can be useful for first responders in selecting the best detection equipment for their use in the field.
Criteria to qualify for inclusion in this survey directed that products must be commercial off the shelf (COTS) or government off the shelf (GOTS), have a maximum weight of 70 lbs., operate without power or on battery only, and identify the target materials. This resulted in a market survey that provided product information for 128 chemical detectors covering 15 technologies.
In the survey, specific performance, and operational and physical criteria were used to assess those products best suited for field detection scenarios. To support this approach, the team compiled product information, including a review of the open literature (including market surveys compiled by other groups), and internet searches. They also contacted vendors, users, and subject matter experts in field-portable chemical detection products.
Products were assigned an overall score based on four categories, with 3-5 criteria within each category. These criteria were weighted for importance, with a score (1-4) associated with each. Using this system, baseline rankings preferentially scored products with more consumables and durability over size, whereas field users may desire different attributes like the most portable product available, regardless of durability and consumables.
By modifying criteria weighting to best represent their needs, users can generate customized rankings. In addition, users can generate custom reports on all products based on specific search or filter criteria of more than 40 unique fields.
Getting started with MRIGlobal
Contact MRIGlobal to further understand the risks and best practices associated with opioids, or visit for independent, unbiased, and reliable information on the right equipment for your use.
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